
 Welcome to the Raton Community Gathering Blog.

Regardless of race, education level, age, or gender ... we welcome you.

Regardless of whether your family roots stretch back many generations in Raton, or if you have only today moved to our wonderful community ... we welcome you.

Regardless of rumors or bias, you are welcome here.

Made mistakes? Haven't we all ..... you are still welcome here.

 I am a simple everyday citizen, just like you, who truly cares about the community that I've grown up in, and only wants to get together, talk, gather ideas, and hope to make a difference.

I ask only that you come here with respect and with an open mind.

Threats against others, personal attacks, and unsubstantiated rumors will not be tolerated.

We are neighbors, each of us, and together we can come together and help our leaders to rebuild our community.

If you would like to contribute an article or opinion letter to this blog, feel free to send an email to concernedratoncitizen@yahoo.com or if you would prefer to do so anonymously, you can click the 'Contact' link above and send through the contact form.

3 Response to "Welcome"

  1. Anonymous says:

    The blog looks great and I think it's a good thing. The real test will be to see if others are really willing to come together. I look forward to more and will return

    Imagine my surprise to find my blog referenced here.

    Thank you!

    I believe that we must be positive as we strive diligently to make positive changes... and yes, that we can all be better... that is what life long learning is all about.

    Kind Regards,


    I will check in daily, see what is going on

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Feel free to leave a comment.

Also, if you would like to contribute an article or opinion letter to this blog, send an email to concernedratoncitizen@yahoo.com or if you would prefer to do so anonymously, you can click the 'Contact' link above and send through the contact form.

Regretfully, comments must be moderated in order to ensure the integrity of the blog and community.

Your opinion, feedback, and thoughts are truly appreciated.